As the IPL 2025 approaches, the Gujarat Titans have started preparing for the next campaign by confirming two major player retention. In a recent social media post, the franchise posted the photos of star all-rounder Rashid Khan and attacking batsman and skipper Shubman Gill, giving way for the speculation of the duo continuing to be part of the Titans’ lineup for the upcoming IPL season.
Shubman Gill, who has been the team’s new captain since 2024, was instrumental in helping the Titans to their maiden IPL title in their debut season. With his explosive batting, reliable bowling, and sharp leadership skills, Gill has cemented his place as the backbone of the Gujarat Titans since the team’s inception. The retention of Gill has been largely expected, given his ability to score runs in crunch conditions and his pivotal role in the squad’s success.
Gujarat Titans to retain Shubman Gill and Rashid Khan: Reports
The Afghan all-rounder Rashid Khan has been another key player for the Titans, and has been their spin spearhead over the past 3 seasons. Known for his ability to spin the ball and pick up wickets at crucial moments, Khan’s retention comes as no surprise.
His experience and knack for delivering with both the ball and the bat under pressure make him a valuable asset for the Gujarat bowling attack.
Gujarat Titans’s recent social media post has created a buzz among the team’s fans as they await to see their favorite stars in action again.
While other teams are still in the process of finalizing their retention, the Titans seem to have already made a bold statement by securing two of the top performers in modern day cricket.
With Rashid and Gill confirmed, the Titans will look to build a formidable squad once again in the upcoming IPL 2025 mega auction, aiming to add a second IPL Title to their cabinet. The cricket pundits and fans will now eagerly await further for the official announcements from the team.