Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB) turned heads at the IPL 2025 mega auction, building a formidable squad with their huge budget. Among their key acquisitions were Baroda’s two all-rounders Krunal Pandya and Swapnil Singh, with Krunal signed for ₹5.75 crore and Swapnil retained using the Right to Match (RTM) card for ₹50 lakh.
However, the reunion of the former Baroda teammates has reignited discussions about their past differences.
A resurfaced clip shows Swapnil Singh recounting an incident involving Krunal Pandya during their time with the Baroda team. Swapnil, who was among the top white-ball all-rounders in India in 2019, claimed he was dropped from the Baroda squad in 2020 despite stellar performances.
He alleged that Krunal, the then-captain, informed him directly that his spot was given to a younger player, despite him being the top scorer.
Old tensions resurface as Royal Challengers Bengaluru secure two former Baroda teammates
“I was the highest run-scorer for Baroda and also took so many wickets. In 2019, I was the No.2 or No.3 all-rounder all over India in white-ball cricket. Then in 2020, Covid hit, and there was a Baroda selection after that. I was playing continuously and thought I was sure-selection. I met my captain, who clearly told me there was no place for me in the team. So, I told him directly that I was in the top two all-rounders in India, so how’s this possible? He said my position was given to a young player, and I accepted it,” Swapnil said in the video shared by RCB.
Despite this fallout, Swapnil transitioned to Uttarakhand’s team with the support of veteran Indian cricketer Irfan Pathan, who revamped his career.
Interestingly, this is not the first controversy involving Krunal Pandya. The all-rounder previously faced allegations from Deepak Hooda, who accused Krunal of using abusive language and creating a hostile environment during their Baroda tenure.
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Despite these controversies, RCB is optimistic about the duo’s potential to strengthen their squad. With a star-studded lineup, the franchise aims to register their maiden IPL title in 2025.