The IPL 2025 auction, held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, witnessed a historic moment as Rishabh Pant became the most expensive player in IPL history. The former Delhi Capitals captain was snapped up by Lucknow Super Giants (LSG) for an eye-watering ₹27 crore, surpassing the ₹26.75 crore bid for Shreyas Iyer by Punjab Kings earlier in the day.
Pant’s record-breaking purchase overshadowed the fierce competition for Iyer, who became the second-most expensive player in IPL history. Punjab Kings secured Iyer after an intense bidding war with Delhi Capitals, highlighting the franchise’s aggressive approach in the auction.
Even though Delhi Capitals executed their RTM for Rishabh Pant, they failed to meet Lucknow Super Giants’ massive bid of ₹27 crore.
Notably, Rishabh Pant has been one of the most impactful players in the IPL. In 111 matches, Pant has aggregated 3284 runs at an average of 35.31 and strike rate of 148.93. The attacking wicketkeeper has become a core squad member of Team India which makes him worthy of the highest price tag in the IPL.
ALSO READ Shreyas Iyer Becomes IPL’s Second-Most Expensive Player as Punjab Kings Splurge ₹26.75 Crore
Shreyas Iyer’s ₹26.75 Crore Deal with Punjab Kings Falls Short of New Record; LSG Onboards Rishabh Pant for ₹27 Crore
India’s left-arm pacer Arshdeep Singh also made headlines as the first player sold in the IPL 2025 auction. Punjab Kings retained Arshdeep for ₹18 crore using the Right to Match (RTM) card after Sunrisers Hyderabad raised the stakes. Another Indian pacer, Mohammed Shami, was picked by Sunrisers Hyderabad for ₹10 crore.
The two-day auction kicked off with the marquee players’ set, followed by capped batters, all-rounders, wicketkeepers, and bowlers. The first day will conclude with the uncapped players’ set, promising more action as franchises build their squads for the upcoming season.
With star players like Rishabh Pant and Iyer commanding record-breaking bids, the IPL 2025 auction has set the tone for a blockbuster season ahead.